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Fully closed water reservoir

With a closed water storage system, external influences on water quality are minimised. In addition to the GenaFlexstore® for water silos, Genap also offers a fully closed water reservoir.

In countries with more extreme temperatures, a fully closed water storage system is often preferred for storing irrigation water. This minimises external influences on water quality, providing an optimal solution against algae growth or contamination from blowing sand or other debris. Rainwater landing on the floating cover does not make contact with the stored water, while floaters and ventilation openings in the cover facilitate necessary air circulation.

Genap has a proven track record in supplying and installing fully closed reservoirs, especially for irrigation and drinking water purposes in equatorial countries. The choice of the right material depends on the geographic location, the composition of the water, and its intended use.

Construction of a fully closed water reservoir

A fully closed water reservoir is comprised of a combination of a liner and a floating cover, both of which are anchored at the crest of the reservoir. As standard, the floating cover is made of a reinforced membrane, equipped with additional buoyancy and ventilation units to allow any trapped air/gas to escape. The type of material best suited for use depends on the location and application of the water. In locations with higher temperatures, we generally recommend a reinforced type of geomembrane with high UV resistance.

  • Maximising water capacity utilisation
  • The stored water is isolated from the outside air
  • The optimal choice for areas with extreme temperatures

Extra information

Technical data

  • Combination of a liner and a floating cover, both anchored in a anchor trench at the crown
  • Floating cover is made of reinforced geomembrane
  • Floating cover is equipped with additional buoyancy and venting units to release enclosed air or gas


  • Use of different types of geomembranes
  • Complete system including slope protection for the outer dike
Myriam van Elten
Your horticulture specialist
Myriam van Elten
Sales representative Horticulture Europe