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Explore Genap’s sustainable project portfolio

Discover how Genap tackles real-world challenges with innovative and sustainable solutions. Explore our project portfolio and see how we leverage our expertise to craft tailor-made solutions to meet a variety of challenges.

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Submerging the membranes at the N421
Dura Vermeer Divisie Infra BV | Houten, The Netherlands

Construction pit for tunnels around N421 bypass

The N421, constructed in 2015 between the A12 and Houten, includes tunnels under roads, for which Genap installed waterproof membranes. Structure 1 received 4,500 m² of PVC membrane, and Structure 3 received a combination of geotextile and PVC to ensure anhydrous construction pits.

Membrane construction crane N381
Combination of Mobilis/JJ de Vries | Drachten-Naningaweg, The Netherlands

Watertight geomembrane constructions for bicycle tunnel

Genap designed a liquid-tight membrane construction for a new bicycle tunnel under the N381, utilizing 12,100 m² of LLDPE membrane and 24,200 m² of protective fleece, to improve traffic flow and enhance safety by providing a separate bicycle route.

Stadium in Baku with the dyke in the background
Körpü Bina Tikinti | Baku, Azerbaijan

Pollution mitigation with geomembrane at Boyukshor Lake

In 2015, prior to the European Games in Baku, Genap, at the request of KBT, installed a waterproof, oil-resistant membrane on dikes near the Boyukshor Lake to prevent water pollution. This lake was contaminated with oil-containing sludge, which was specially dredged and cleaned for the Games.

Construction of a pond at Wildlands
Primary contractor KWS Infra | Emmen, The Netherlands

Water features at Wildlands Emmen

Genap installed waterproof membrane constructions for various water features at Wildlands Emmen, using 30,000 m² of Fecatex membrane and 60,000 m² of Genatex protective fleece. These high-quality membranes meet KIWA-MB standards and are seamlessly integrated with concrete via cast-in profiles.