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Esselink Agricultural Farm | Geesteren, Netherlands

Tensioned cover for concrete slurry silo

In response to a request from the farming business Esselink, Genap has installed a tensioned cover on a concrete slurry silo. This cover ensures complete sealing of the silo, preventing rainwater from entering and eliminating the need to pump water out of the silo – a necessity with a floating cover. Additionally, the tensioned cover facilitates the mixing of the slurry.

Before the installation of the tensioned cover, the over thirty-year-old concrete slurry silo underwent a thorough inspection by our KIWA-certified partner, Appel Bouw, following the KIWA assessment guideline BRL 2344.

With this installation, the client complies with the new, stricter Dutch regulations for slurry storage, which mandate that all slurry silos and reservoirs must be fully covered from January 1, 2018, onwards.