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KWS Infra bv | Dordrecht, The Netherlands

Final finishing of landfill site Derde Merwedehaven

Since 2013, the ‘Derde Merwedehaven’ landfill site has been out of use. To convert the hill into a recreational area, the landfill is being covered with a geomembrane construction to separate the rainwater from the waste mound.

From June 2019 to September 2021, Genap on behalf KWS Infra BV covered a staggering 550,000 m² with a three-layer geomembrane construction.

Close collaboration with all parties is imperative for this project. Despite the vast area, the construction activities on a relatively limited surface must proceed sequentially. The geomembrane construction, including the welds to be made, has been checked throughout the project by an independent and accredited inspection body.

This solution allows rainwater to penetrate through a natural living layer, providing water for flora and fauna. Excess rainwater is discharged as clean stormwater through the drainage layer and collected in the surrounding ring ditch. This allows the recreation area to thrive without the risk of groundwater contamination.