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Spruit dairy farm | Zoetermeer, The Netherlands

Mesh silo with a slurry mixer

At Spruit Dairy Farm in Zoetermeer, Genap has installed a mesh silo of nearly 1,000 m³, complete with a slurry mixer on the sidewall.

The customer’s choice of a mesh silo, instead of a more expensive concrete silo, was motivated by cost savings. An additional benefit is that there’s no need for extra expenditure on a foundation with piles when installing a mesh silo.

The sidewall mixer, integrated into the structure, offers numerous advantages over a traditional mixing hatch. It enables the customer to mix the slurry themselves, eliminating dependency on external contractors. This allows for more frequent mixing and the production of a more homogenous slurry. Moreover, this choice leads to significant savings on external labor costs, making the investment in the mixer pay off in about 2.5 years.