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Montera Techniek | Pijnacker, The Netherlands

14 water silos at tomato nursery

At the request of Montera Techniek, Genap delivered 14 new silos for Duijvestijn Tomatoes in Pijnacker. These were installed in the new greenhouses of the tomato nursery. Although water reservoirs often have the preference for projects of this magnitude, silos were chosen here due to limited space. The installed silos collectively offer a storage capacity of nearly 10,000 cubic meters of clean water.

The day storage silos are equipped with the new TLI (tank level indicator) type, allowing for easy content checking at a glance. Moreover, the silos placed outdoors that capture rainwater from the greenhouse roofs are coated green to blend harmoniously into the landscape, in line with the requirements of the municipality of Pijnacker.


"For us, it is important that the products are reliable and sustainable. We are therefore extremely satisfied with Genap's tanks."

Pieter Arkesteyn, Head of Technical Services at Kw. Duijvestijn