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HSK Amsterdam & Betonson | Amsterdam, The Netherlands

SureGrip concrete protection for a wastewater treatment plant

At the request of Betonson and Combinatie HSK, Genap installed approximately 22,000 m² of SureGrip concrete protection for the new purification plant in Amsterdam West. At Betonson’s production location, the prefabricated concrete tank elements were equipped with custom-made concrete protection plates. These plates were then completely leak-tightly welded together on-site in Amsterdam, after the construction of the tanks, by our assembly teams with up to 22 technicians.

As the main contractor, Combinatie HSK engaged us to equip all on-site constructed tanks, pits, distribution works, and return pumps with SureGrip concrete protection. After the installation of the concrete protection plates, the extrusion weld seams were tested for leak-tightness by an external control authority.