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Heijmans Wegen bv | Dokkum-Nijega, The Netherlands

Sixteen underpasses for dual carriageway

The project to improve access to North-East Friesland resulted in the construction of a 24-kilometer dual carriageway stretching from Dokkum South to Nijega. This road, intersected by various grade-separated intersections and a tunnel under the Prinses Margriet Canal, serves as a thoroughfare for both rail and local traffic.

Genap installed high-quality geomembrane constructions at all 16 underpasses, aiming to keep the underground passageways safe and dry, even below the groundwater level. Along the entire route of “De Centrale As,” an impressive total of more than 200,000 square meters of LLDPE geomembrane and 400,000 square meters of protective fleece was used, ensuring durability and efficiency.