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Construction Company Postma GWW BV | Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Overflow reservoir with bottom seal

An overflow reservoir is a waterbody that captures excess rainwater to prevent flooding. According to Dutch regulations, these reservoirs are required to have an underseal. At Jonkerbos in Nijmegen, Genap installed over 15,000 m² of plastic geomembrane to serve as an artificial water barrier.

On-site, across a length of approximately 60 meters, the plastic geomembrane was attached to the concrete using stainless steel strips. Additionally, several large throughput wells were installed in the waterbody. By utilizing sliding constructions, the plastic geomembrane was waterproofly mounted to these throughputs. The geomembrane is not visible as it is covered with a layer of fill sand.

"Genap has successfully executed this project. The quality of the construction materials used and the expertise of the personnel and staff members have contributed to a satisfactory completion of the project by Postma GWW for the clients."

E. Mulder, Postma Construction & GWW BV