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Martens and Van Oord / BAM Infra Consortium | Waalwijk, The Netherlands

Excavation pit for industrial area Haven VII A+B

Along the A59 motorway, near the Waalwijk exit, a new industrial area was developed in two phases. In preparation for future construction, roads and a sewage system were constructed, requiring the creation of a construction pit for the sewer construction. Since the pit is below the groundwater level, a geomembrane was needed to keep the pit dry. To prevent the nearby nature reserve from drying out during these works, a water-retarding geomembrane construction was employed. Genap, on behalf of the BAM NBM Infra & Martens van Oord joint venture, installed a total of 300,000 m² of PVC 0.8 mm KIWA/ATA geomembrane. Two sinking methods were applied: the pontoon principle and sinking by its own weight.