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Van Gelder BV Contracting Company | Hommerts, The Netherlands

Aqueduct Jeltesloot

The Jeltesloot Aqueduct is a key project within the Frisian Lakes project. It involves the construction of an aqueduct to replace the existing bridge on the provincial road N354 at the intersection with the Jeltesloot, near Hommerts, Friesland. The aqueduct is 530 meters long, 15.50 meters wide, and 15 meters deep.

To ensure a watertight seal, Genap applied watertight geomembrane constructions ‘in den droge’ (dry construction method) under the access ramps of the aqueduct. The geomembrane was affixed using a clamping profile on the aqueduct’s concrete structure. In total, more than 10,000 m² of geomembrane was installed in the two access ramps. External inspections have confirmed the correct installation and watertightness of the geomembrane constructions.