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Genap official distributor and installer of ClosureTurf®

6 August 2024
Closure Turf Hill

Genap has an exclusive partnership with Watershed Geo® for the distribution and installation of ClosureTurf®, a synthetic final cover system for landfills.


The patented products of Watershed Geo® offer a sustainable and affordable solution for waste management, erosion control, and soil stabilization. They are applied at various locations, from local municipalities to large industrial sites. For landfill managers, there are various sealing options that can be applied:


An attractive and affordable three-component permanent cover system for landfills that prevents erosion and controls gas emissions.


An attractive temporary cover for landfills that ensures efficient gas collection before the landfill is permanently capped. The product is designed to reduce leachate, minimize erosion, and improve water runoff.


An eco-friendly hardened erosion control mat specifically designed to manage fast-flowing surface water.


A revolutionary solar system for landfills that is installed directly on the cover without a frame construction. In combination with ClosureTurf®, it is the ideal sustainable solution for capping landfills.


Genap works closely with AGRU, the manufacturer of the geomembrane component of ClosureTurf®. AGRU’s plastic liners have been installed by Genap for over 20 years by a team of certified technical specialists. The partnership with Watershed Geo® is a logical continuation of this collaboration. For Genap, this means an expansion of the offerings for landfills, and for Watershed Geo®, it provides the opportunity to serve the Dutch market through a local organization.