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Genap obtains German WHG certificate

27 March 2024

Genap has been certified as a “Fachbetrieb nach Wasserhaushaltgesetz” (WHG) in Germany.

What is WHG?

In Germany, certification as a Fachbetrieb nach WHG (Specialized Company under the Water Resources Act) is increasingly required for working on storage systems for environmentally hazardous substances. This certification covers activities such as installation, commissioning, cleaning, and decommissioning of these systems. These systems are identified as WHG-mandatory beforehand and are inspected and approved by a qualified expert (Sachverständiger/Gutachter).

For biogas and manure storage systems

Examples of these WHG-mandatory systems include silo storage systems and tanks storing environmentally hazardous substances such as manure, biomass, wastewater, fuels, and oils. Leakage of such substances into the soil can have far-reaching negative consequences for the environment. For Genap, this WHG obligation particularly relates to the work we perform on biogas and manure storage systems.

What does this certificate mean for other countries?

The environmental standards set by Germany are currently stricter than those in many other countries. With this certificate, Genap proves to meet the highest international quality standards. The experience and insights required for this certification are also applicable in other practices and evolving environmental legislation. In the Netherlands, Genap holds various Komo-/Kiwa process and system certificates, VCA, ISO 9001, and is represented in the Kiwa Expert Committee on Agricultural Technology.

Bert Gijsbers
Your agriculture specialist
Bert Gijsbers
Sales Manager Agriculture Europa